
Image Button. Pressing that button you will insert an image to your document in the cursor position.
Cicle button. Pressing this button you will insert a questionanaire element "Cycle" type, it's used to offer you web guests some options where only one answer is valid. This button is useful since it uses very little space.
String of Characters. Inserts a questionnaire element of string of characters type.
Button. Inserts a questionnare element button type.
Textarea Button. Inserts a questionnaire element "text area" type, used by your web guests to insert text as if it was a word processor
Checkbox Button. Inserts a questionnarie element checkbox type used mainly to select several elements from an otpion group.
Radio Button. Inserts a questionnarie element radius type, similar to the cycle one, with the only difference being that each of the options ara visible.
Horizontal Bar Butoon. Inserts a horizontal bar, useful to differentiate each of the contents of you web page.
Button for the creation of a vertical frame.. Pressign that button you will insert a sub page vertically. It divides you web page into two totally independent pages.
Horizontal frame creating button . Pressing this button, you will insert a sub page horizontally. It divides your web page into two totally independent pages.
Objet Button. Inserts a multimedia object such as flash (supported by voyager 3).
Creation of tables Button. This button facilitates the creation of tables, tablesare one of the most important elements (no to say, the most) to create web pages. It allow tos place elements in the web page precisely and in an atractive manner.
En esta version del MetalWeb la creacion de tablas es un poco limitado pero será mejorado en la proxima version del programa cuando sea reescrito por completo la funcion de tablas.
Web Preferences Button. Pressign down this button you will be able to modify the images/color of the background of your web page, change the by default color of the text, links, visited links, insert a sound, and modify the properties of frames and questionnaries.